

Project Title: Open Minded + Active + Creative = Hired


Context of the project:

Increasing chances of young people, Promotion of international cooperation, Social entrepreneurship, European citizenship, Personal development

 Objectives of the project:

– To activate and stimulate the creativity of young people;
– To demonstrate the range of existing opportunities and possibilities created by the development of international cooperation and to encourage young people to take the initiative and create reality as students and teachers, workers and employers at the same time;ECIM_ikony-2
– To strengthen intercultural dialogue by showing in common elements, values and interests of all Member States of the European Union;
– To increase the openness of young people as citizens of the European Union to other societies and their cultures;
– To show the Poland and Polish society as an example of openness for pragmatic development of cooperation, especially including economic relations;
– To show the enormous role of young people contributing to exploit existing relationships and its development for improving the prospects of life in a changing Europe;
– To promote non-formal learning, and to show the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies in navigating the modern states and societies;
– The promotion of language learning as a way of job finding in foreign markets and gaining experience and competences there.


35 young people aged 18-26 from Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Hungary, as well as the group leaders – a total of 40 people.

Participants Application Form_OMACH




Description of activities:

The main activity took place in Warsaw in dates 12-20.03.2016 (+ travel days), during which young people had the opportunity to take part in a program consisting of three interconnected blocks – ‘Open Minded’, ‘Active’, ‘Creative’, which implementation allowed them to develop themselves and increase their chances for employment and ECIM_ikonymaking effective personal and professional initiatives in the future. 9-day project allowed participants for acquisition of new knowledge, skills and attitudes. It helped them in better understanding of individual and group development process as well as in increasing their contribution to the life of their societies.


Activities based on the elements of non-formal education – Holistic Learning, Experiential Learning, Diversified Education, Learning by Challenges – used in workshops, simulation games, discussions, presentations, city games, cognitive visits.

– Construction of an open, active and creative group of young people;ECIM_ikony-3
– Increase of their awareness of the existing possibilities and opportunities, as well as their potential (self-esteem, self-confidence, etc.);
– The improvement of knowledge of foreign languages, being ready for taking challenges on, openness for changes and diversity;
– The development of interpersonal and social competence – development of key competences included in the soft skills associated with moving within groups and communities;
– The acquisition of new knowledge and experience with you met and developed attitudes, including the wider enterprise;
– Development of multicultural friendly environment based on dialogue and mutual understanding.

ECIM_ikony-5The impact of the project and the long-term benefits:
Described objectives, assumptions, actions, and their impact on the participants and the target group in the long run will have an impact not only on the local and regional level, but also national and international. The entire project will create in the minds of young people’s vision and awareness of the multiplicity of options and solutions that thanks to them can be used in their countries in the context of working with communities on many levels. Their attitude to produce incentives to its natural environment – at the university, at work, among friends, will result in the activation of a wider group of people who understand that thanks to the openness, participation and creativity that make up the entrepreneurial attitude to everyday life, you can gain much more than through inaction or strenuous adherence to ideological slogans and the resulting cross-cultural issues.

You can read about our project also by following links

  1., where you will find article about ECIM and OMACH, prepared for Radio Kampus by Aleksandra Kruszewska!
  2., where you will find article about OMACH, prepared by Sedno – student newspaper.