After hosting 3 projects in Poland and taking part in 5 partners’ projects in Croatia, Spain, Cyprus and Slovenia, European Center for Youth Initiatives is going to have a chance to visit European countries during next projects in Cyprus and Romania, which are the result of international cooperation between many NGOs. This summer we would have a chance to participate in 3 Youth Exchanges:

  1. ‘Europe without Borders’ in Cyprus, June 2017; hosting organisation: Youth Dynamics;
  2. ‘E.U.RO.P.E. + CY’ in Cyprus, July 2017; hosting organisation: Youth Dynamics;
  3. ‘Job Me 2 – Out of NEET’ in Romania, July 2017; hosting organisation: Asociatia de Tineret Youth on the Move.

There are still places for active people who would like to join our team created by our members and volunteers involved in ECIM initiatives, so do no hesitate and ask us and our leaders for more details 🙂

ECIM again in the role of partner in 3 approved projects in Cyprus, and Romania!